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Pastor Patricia J.Com


Conversations With Pastor PPJ

The Basics



One of my gifts is the ability to absorb information, no matter the method of delivery, process it, incorporate it and then relay it in a practical manner for use in everyday life.  Similar to the way some parents chew their infant’s food first and then give it to the baby to eat for nourishment (ugh!) 


That, coupled with the gifts of being able to pinpoint deficiencies, organize clutter, straighten  distortion, clean up broken pieces, identify missing links, fill in gaps, solve problems and restore function (the military concept of ‘Restoring the Fighting Strength’), facilitates my ability to pour out what has been poured into me and continue the flow of ‘Rivers of Living Water.”  


Scripture tells us that One plants, Another waters but God adds the Increase (1 Cor. 3:6), so join me as I pour some water on some seeds that have been already planted.

SHOUT OUTS (From The Pulpit)

8/13/17 Sarah Jakes Roberts at The Potters's House - Dallas

Sermon Title: Headwinds



12/28/17 New Blog Post: In The World But Not of The World!..

                   Recognize the Worldly             (833) 868 - 9692 

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  • Spotify: Grace Is Sufficient...From Learnin It to Livin  it Podcast
  • Spotify: Book Chapter Verse: The Musical
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  • Youtube: Pastor Patricia J
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